Managing a respiratory illness requires due diligence on the part of patients. They may be expected to conduct tests at home that might be typically done in a doctor’s office. However, being part of the solution also empowers patients to maintain higher standards of care for themselves and stay alert of any health changes.
How Do You Know if Your Lungs are Healthy?
Tests for lung function can help you determine the healthiness of your lungs. A spirometry test determines how much air your lungs can hold and how effectively you can expel air from your lungs.
Tests for lung volume are also conducted by doctors to see the maximum volume of air your lungs can hold, which is more precise than the amount of air determined during a spirometry test. Other tests examine how easily oxygen enters your bloodstream and if you experience shortness of breath during exertion.
How Do You Know if You Have Weak Lungs?
Poor results in any of these tests may indicate poor lung function. Doctors will take into consideration age and other factors when evaluating the results. But even without precise testing, there are many telltale symptoms that you can look for yourself that your lungs are underperforming.
Symptoms of Unhealthy Lungs

Shortness of Breath
Shortness of breath is the most common indication that your lungs may be weak. It can range in severity, from mild to severe, and can be accompanied by the other symptoms mentioned. Those who experience shortness of breath can find it challenging to do everyday activities like walking up steps or carrying groceries. You should not experience shortness of breath after physical exertion. If you do, it often means your lungs are struggling with airflow.
Coughs can be caused by an illness in the chest, allergies, or other environmental factors. Coughing produces mucus that can be thick and yellow in color. A chronic cough that lasts more than eight weeks indicates that there is something wrong and that you need further evaluation by a doctor.
Wheezing occurs when there is inflammation in the lungs or a blockage that is obstructing airflow, resulting in a whistling sound while exhaling. Wheezing is common and worsens when a person with weak lungs has an elevated heart rate during exercise, physical activity, or other activities.
Chest Tightness
Chest tightness is often associated with difficulty breathing or pain as a person is inhaling. It indicates a lack of blood oxygen absorption, which is putting a strain on the heart and lungs. Chest tightness can also induce pneumonia, bronchitis, and other serious illnesses. Seek professional help immediately if you ever feel a tightness in your chest.
How to Check if Your Lungs are Healthy at Home
Check Your Breathing Rate
You can determine your breathing rate by counting your number of breaths per minute during rest. Normal respiration rates for an adult person at rest range from 12 to 16 breaths per minute.
Peak Flow Test
You can use a home spirometer to test peak oxygen flow. Peak flow is the amount of air exhaled. You simply blow into the device and observe the gauge for the results.
For those with a respiratory illness, peak flow may be based on their personal condition rather than the results of the device. But a home spirometer is a good way to stay aware of changes in your peak flow lung capacity.
Oxygen Saturation Test
Oxygen absorption into the blood can be easily tested at home with a pulse oximeter. Poor blood oxygen levels can indicate both lung and heart problems. The pulse oximeter simply clips to the finger and delivers results in minutes.
Treatment for Unhealthy Lungs
Treatment for unhealthy lungs depends on the respiratory condition. Lifestyle changes like quitting smoking or improving your diet are always recommended. Medications or surgery may be necessary for some severe conditions.
For some conditions managing the illness at home may be required. Oxygen therapy helps the lungs maintain healthy performance and reduces many of the uncomfortable symptoms of a respiratory disease. Oxygen concentrators may be prescribed by a doctor to help keep patients breathing well at home. Oxygen concentrators are safe and easy to use. By following doctor’s recommendations and manufacturer instructions, most patients will find home oxygen therapy beneficial for restoring a normal way of life.
Where Can I Purchse Oxygen Therapy Products?
The Oxygen Concentrator Supplies Shop offers hundreds of oxygen therapy products, including both portable and stationary oxygen concentrators, nebulizers, accessories, supplies, and more. To learn about any of the products we offer, call our knowledgeable and friendly team at 888-941-1688 today!